QTP provides different methods to perform operation on WebTable. This blog discusses about few of them -
How to check if a WebTable exist
msgbox Browser(…).page(…).webtable(…).exist ‘returns true/false
How to find number of rows in WebTable
msgbox Browser(“").Page("").WebTable(“").RowCount ‘ returns count of row in a WebTable
How to find number of columns in a web table
msgbox Browser("").Page("").WebTable(“").ColumnCount(1) ‘return column count in a 1st
row of WebTable
How to read data from a Cell WebTable
msgbox Browser("").Page("").WebTable(“").GetCellData(row,column)
‘Where row & column specifies row number & column number of a Cell
How to find object using childObject on a WebTable
Set oDesc=Description.Create
oDesc("micclass").value= WebCheckBox
set oChild=Browser("").Page("").WebTable(“").ChildObjects(oDesc)
msgbox oChild.count
How read data from WebTable using ChildItemCount and childItem
oChild=Browser("").Page("").WebTable(“).ChildItemCount(row,col,” WebCheckBox”)
If oChild >0
Childitem will return object oftype defined in arguments for childitem
Set cItem = Browser("").Page("").WebTable(“").ChildItem(row,col, WebCheckBox,0)
If (strobjType = "Link" or strobjType ="WebEdit") Then
ElseIf(stobjType = "WebCheckBox") Then
cItem.Set "ON"
End If