Tuesday, 3 December 2013

How to handle java script alert using WebDriver

WebDriver supports handling  JavaScript alerts using Alert interface.

          // Bring control on already opened alert
               Alert alert = driver.switchTo().alert();

          // Get the text/message of the alert or prompt
         // Click ok button of alert

         // Click Cancel button of alert


Selenium - How to switch to Web Dialog window & back to Parent Browser Window

Steps are as follows -

           1.   Before clicking the link, get the handle id of the browser window.
                 String BrowserParent = driver.getWindowHandle();

           2. After clicking the link;
                 String str = driver.getWindowHandle();
                 driver.switchTo().window(st); // switch to child browser

           3.    Once the operation on the web dialog box is completed.    


Friday, 29 November 2013

Selenium TestNG - How to disable HTML Report Generation

Steps to disable TestNG default HTML Report generation is as follows - 
  1. Right Click on [Java Project] 
  2. Select [Properties] 
  3. Select [TestNG] 
  4. Select [Disable default Listeners]
  5. Click on [Ok] button
Note - This would work if you have installed TestNG as Eclipse plug-in.

How to read Operating System detail

 We can read operation system details using the Built in Environment Variable. Example -
         Platform = Environment ("OS")

         Msgbox Platform

What is Virtual Object

 Application Under Test (AUT) may contain objects that behave like standard objects but are not recognized by QTP. You can define these objects as virtual objects and map them to standard classes, such as a button or a check box. QTP emulates the user's action on the virtual object during the run session. In the test results, the virtual object is displayed as though it is a standard class object.
For example, suppose you want to record a test on a Web page containing a bitmap that the user clicks. The bitmap contains several different hyperlink areas, and each area opens a different destination page. When you record a test, the Web site matches the coordinates of the click on the bitmap and opens the destination page.
To enable QTP to click at the required coordinates during a run session, you can define a virtual object for an area of the bitmap, which includes those coordinates, and map it to the button class. When you run a test, QTP clicks the bitmap in the area defined as a virtual object so that the Web site opens the correct destination page.
You can define a virtual object using the Virtual Object Wizard Tools -> Virtual Objects > New Virtual Object. The wizard prompts you to select the standard object class to which you want to map the virtual object. You then mark the boundaries of the virtual object using a crosshairs pointer. Next, you select a test object as the parent of the virtual object. Finally, you specify a name and a collection for the virtual object.