Thursday, 31 December 2015

How to inspect HTML Element property in Internet Explorer

Since Internet Explorer version 8, IE has been shipping with a built-in tool-set for debugging, troubleshooting, and generally helping in inspecting elements on your pages. This utility is called as Developer Tools. There are two ways you can access it.
  1. By pressing F12 while in the browser
  2. Click on [Tools -> Developer Tools]

Developer Tools looks like following -

The HTML tab will let you peek into the DOM as the browser understands it. As you select elements from the HTML view, their styles will be detailed on the right, with individual rules have the ability to be toggled on and off. You can also modify rules, and determine whether the styles on the element were inherited, or assigned explicitly.

Having said that it is far from Fire Bug, but suitable for some quick help

Sunday, 20 December 2015

Testing with Selenium WebDriver : Online Course Start Learning in INR 51

Selenium Live Training: - This training will make you job ready to take up any assignment in test automation and equips you with essential Selenium skills. It will give you the much needed framework creation experience using Selenium, Java, TestNG, Log4J, Jenkins, Maven via implementation of real life industry projects.

Check the below link for more details on Selenium Training Syllabus:- Selenium Training Syllabus

Check the below link for to join Selenium Online Training Class : - Selenium WebDriver Training

Highlights of our Course Offering

Anytime & Anywhere Access
You can attend our Selenium training sessions from any part of the world. You don't have to leave your home and commute to learning centers.  All you need to have is a PC with good internet connection and audio/sound system. You can attend training session as per your convenient time.

Q&A Forum
We run our own dedicated Question and Answer FORUM and try to answer every question. The Buddha Tree student’s questions will always answered on priority.

Latest Frameworks

We provide training on creating test automation framework using Selenium, Grid, Java, TestNG, log4j, Apache POI, Apache Maven etc.


Code Sharing

Students will be provided working code & automation exercises at the end of every session.

We Cover Everything

·         300 page theoretical concept which describes each concept of with syntax & example
·         4000 line of working example
·         30 hours of Video tutorial
·         Interview Questions & Answers


Pay per Use

We charge you on monthly basis. You buy subscription for a month; enjoy unlimited access to training resources for a month. Industry has learned by experience that Pay per use is most cost effective method.

How to Pay

Participants in India can do an online transfer or direct deposit to our bank account.

Here are the offers that you can choose from.
1) Pay only Rupee 51 for daily subscription of this course & Access complete course
Note - One can start learning by only paying 51 rupee. For example you feel that You can learn Selenium in 10 days, 10 days * 51 INR per day = 510 INR (cost of your learning).
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To Students -
As of now Inaugural Offer is going on, get enrollment of trial course in free. Only pre-condition you need to like/Subscribe our Page -
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Saturday, 19 December 2015

Selenium Training Syllabus

Selenium Syllabus

Chapter 1 | Introduction to Selenium
·         Selenium Introduction  
·         Brief History      
·         Selenium Tool Suite       
·         Why Selenium  
·         Note on Browser & Environment Support           
·         Advantage of WebDriver             
·         Limitations of WebDriver
·         How to choose the right Selenium Tool for your need    
·         A short comparison of Selenium with QTP           
·         Selenium WebDriver Overview
·         Define a Test Strategy for Automation  
·         Pick a Programming Language   
·         Choose an Editor             

Chapter 2 | Configure Selenium WebDriver            
·         Install Java         
·         Install Eclipse    
·         Install Firefox, Firebug, FirePath               
·         Download Selenium-Server.jar File         
·         Configuring Selenium in Eclipse

Chapter 3 | Core java Introduction & OOPs concepts 
·         Features of Java              
·         Why Java for Selenium 
·         First Eclipse Project        
·         First Java program          
·         Comment           
·         Concept of class file       
·         Platform independence               
·         Data types in Java           
·         String class         
·         If statements    
·         Loops, Arrays and Functions      
·         Conditional and concatenation operators            
·         While Loop        
·         For Loops           
·         Single Dimensional Arrays           
·         Two Dimensional arrays               
·         Drawbacks of arrays      
·         What are Functions?     
·         Function Input Parameters         
·         Function Return Types 
·         Local Variables 
·         Global Variables              
·         Static and Non-Static Variables 
·         Static and Non-Static Functions
·         Creating Objects in Java               
·         Meaning of static            
·         Why is main method static?       
·         Object and Object References  
·         Call by reference and Value       
·         Constructors     
·         Usage of Objects in Selenium    
·         Concept of Inheritance
·         Interface            
·         Overloading and Overriding Functions
·         Example on inheritance               
·         Object Class      
·         Usage of Inheritance in Selenium            
·         Packages, Access Modifiers/ Exception Handling              
·         Relevance of Packages 
·         Creating Packages          
·         Accessing Classes across Packages          
·         Good Features of eclipse            
·         Accessing modifiers - Public, Private, Default, Protected               
·         Exception handing with try catch block  
·         Importance of exception handling          
·         Exception and Error       
·         Throwable Class              
·         Final and Finally               
·         Throw and Throws         
·         Different Types of Exceptions   
·         Need of exception handling in Selenium framework      
·         Collection API/Reflection API    
·         Introduction to Collections API 
·         ArrayLilst Class 
·         HashTable Class               
·         Using ArrayList and HashTable of Collection API in Selenium framework
·         Reflection API usage and importance    
·         String class and functions            
·         Reading Properties File in Java

Chapter 4 | Selenium IDE   
·         Installing Selenium IDE & Running
·         Features of Selenium IDE            
·         Create Test Case & Test Suite
·         Export code       
·         Recording Script              
·         Running, Pausing and debugging Script 
·         Running a script line by line        
·         Inserting commands in between script 
·         XPATHS and installing firebug to get XPATHS      
·         Wait Commands              
·         Verification and Assertions         
·         Should I use verify or assertion 
·         Echo, StoreEval and StoredVars Demystified
·         Regular Expressions in Selenium IDE

Chapter 5 | Selenium WebDriver     
·         Overview of Selenium WebDriver           
·         Why WebDriver               
·         Architecture of selenium WebDriver      
·         Why not RC       
·         Write First Selenium Script          
·         WebDriver Interface     
·         WebElement Interface 
·         How to Google out errors-Self sufficiency              

Chapter 6 | Object Locator         
·         Inspecting elements in Mozilla, Chrome and IE  
·         HTML language tags and attributes         
·         Various locator strategies            
·         Xpath   
·         Identifying WebElements using id, name, class 
·         Finding Xpaths to identify           
·         Absolute and complete Xpaths 
·         Creating customized Xpaths without firebug      
·         Css Selectors     
·         Generating own CssSelectors    
·         Performance of CssSelectors as compared to Xpaths     
·         Finding xpaths/cssselectors in different browsers - Mozilla, Chrome and IE         
·         Objects with same id/xpath/cssSelector              
·         What is class attribute?
·         Handling Dynamic objects/ids on the page          

Chapter 7 | Common Selenium Methods           
·         Selenium useful & Common methods

Chapter 8 | Working on Browsers
·         Working on Firefox
·         Working on Chrome
·         Working on IE

Chapter 9 | Working on Form Elements
·         Working on Text Field
·         Working on Label
·         Working on Checkbox
·         Working on Radio button
·         Working on combo box
·         Working on Date Calender
·         Working on Links
·         Extracting objects in bulk from web page
·         Working on frames

Chapter 10 | Introduction of Apache Maven
·         Why Apache Maven for Selenium           
·         Installing Maven              
·         Why POM.xml  
·         Configuration, properties in POM.xml   

Chapter 11 | TestNG Framework          
·         What is TestNg 
·         Installing TestNg in Eclipse          
·         Why do we need TestNG in Selenium   
·         Advantage of TestNg over Junit               
·         TestNg annotations       
·         First test case using annotations              
·         Running test case through TestNG.xml 
·         Checking reports created by TestNG      
·         Creating sample test cases         
·         Listeners in TestNG        
·         Create customized HTML report              
·         Parameterization            
·         Understanding usage of annotations     
·         Running a Test in TestNg             
·         Batch Running of tests in TestNg              
·         Skipping Tests  
·         parameterizing Tests - DataProvider      
·         Assertions/Reporting Errors       
·         TestNg Reports
·         Using TestNg in Selenium            
·         Grouping test cases       
·         Setting priority of execution for test cases          
·         Putting Dataproviders for multiple tests in a single file   

Chapter 12 | Selenium Grid
·         What is Selenium Grid?
·         When to Use Selenium Grid?    
·         Grid 1.0 Vs Grid 2.0         
·         What is a Hub and Node?            
·         How to Install and Use Grid 2.0?               
·         Designing Test Scripts That Can Run on the Grid
·         Using the DesiredCapabilites Object      
·         Using the RemoteWebDriver Object      
·         Running a Sample Test Case on the Grid               

Chapter 13 | Working on Advance WebDriver
·         Working with different browsers without changing code              
·         Taking Screenshots of the web pages    
·         Implicit and Explicit waits             
·         PageLoadTimeout Property       
·         WebDriverWait Class     
·         WebDriver.Timeout Interface   
·         ExpectedCondition interface and ExpectedConditions class        
·         WaitUntil Condition       
·         Fluent Wait        
·         Managing Ajax based components         
·         Window Handles             
·         Managing tabbed windows in IE, Chrome and Mozilla    
·         Managing popups in IE, Chrome and Mozilla       
·         Closing windows             
·         Default Popups
·         Testing https websites / Managing certificate errors in https websites in IE, Chrome and              
·         Mouse movement with Selenium- Mouse Interface      
·         Handling Ajax Autosuggests       
·         Handling Google Ajax Autosuggests       
·         Handling Frames in Web Page   
·         Handling cookies             
·         More Examples on Webtables  

Chapter 14 | Introduction to Page Object Design Pattern  
·         Why POM          
·         What is POM
·         Advantages of POM      
·         How to implement POM
·         What is Page Factory
·         When to use POM
·         Designing POM classes

Chapter 15 | Framework Creation using Java, TestNG, POI, Maven, Jenkins, Selenium Grid
·         Overview of Page Object Design Framework 
·         Reading test data from XLS files
·         Creating properties file to store object details
·         Implementing WebDriverWait
·         Implementing keywords
·         Parameterizing test using DataProvider & XLS files
·         Repeating test with different data
·         Generating test reports
·         Emailing test reports