Showing posts with label org.openqa.selenium. Show all posts
Showing posts with label org.openqa.selenium. Show all posts

Saturday 5 September 2015

Selenium WebDriver : An Overview of Exception Class

List of exception classes in Selenium package (which is "org.openqa.selenium"), which we see as error on daily basis.
  1. ConnectionClosedException
  2. ErrorHandler.UnknownServerException
  3. ImeActivationFailedException
  4. ImeNotAvailableException
  5. InvalidCookieDomainException
  6. InvalidCoordinatesException
  7. InvalidElementStateException
  8. JsonException
  9. MoveTargetOutOfBoundsException
  10. NotFoundException 
  11. ScreenshotException
  12. SessionNotCreatedException 
  13. SessionNotFoundException
  14. StaleElementReferenceException
  15. TimeoutException
  16. UnableToCreateProfileException 
  17. UnableToSetCookieException
  18. UnexpectedTagNameException
  19. UnhandledAlertException 
  20. UnreachableBrowserException
  21. UnsupportedCommandException
  22. WindowsRegistryException